Unfortunately, my install confirmed that the pre-compiled dmg file for GIMP wasn’t built for Mac’s High Sierra OS. No guarantees that the scripts work would but still in desperation I was more than willing to try. But I had read that if I installed 2.8 and then 2.10 I could copy the scripts from the 2.8 version into the 2.10 scripts folder. This registry had been the location for many of the GIMP special effect scripts. On top of that, I’d discovered that the well-known script library,, had shut down. I’d read up a bit beforehand the articles I’d found indicated that some useful Script-fu scripts came with the 2.8 version but had disappeared in the 2.10 upgrade. I’d gone to GIMP ’s website to download both the 2.8 and 2.10 pre-compiled dmg files to install GIMP. Wanting to use GIMP on my Mac proved to be a challenge, not in a way I planned.